WWW Table of Radioactive Isotopes

Half life: 21.03 h 5  
Sn (keV): 8379 45
Sp (keV): 1.134E4 sy
Prod. mode: Fission product
ENSDF citation:NDS 79, 639 (1996)
Literature cut-off date: 1-Dec-1995
Author(s): D. De Frenne and E. Jacobs
References since cut-off: 112Pd decay from 1995-98 (NSR)
Decay properties:
ModeBranching (%)Q-value (keV)  
b-100288 17
Data sets:
Mode  Data set nameDisplay data
b-112PD B- DECAY
ENSDF data:
Java applets:

Gammas from 112Pd (21.03 h 5)
Eg (keV)     Ig (%)    Decay mode

18.5 5  27.2 6  b- 



Betas from 112Pd (21.03 h 5)
Eb endpoint (keV)    Ib (%)    Decay mode

269,5  100 b- 


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